Lingam massage

A lingam massage is a tantric sex practice focused on massaging the penis.

Unlike your average hand job, the lingam massage involves not only massaging and stroking the penis but can also incorporate more advanced techniques, including the testicles, perineum, and the prostate (aka the Sacred Spot) as well.

The lingam massage isn’t about having one orgasm and being done. Instead, it’s about trying to feel more and more pleasure that will become waves of multiple orgasms throughout the massage. Yes, multiple orgasms aren’t just for people with clitorises!

A big part of sacred sexuality is learning to love the penis and not be afraid of it.

Lingam massage is a practice that truly honors the penis and those who have them. We do it to give them pleasure. There is also a tremendous amount of sexual energy or chi in a person’s penis, and learning how to stimulate and circulate it is very powerful. For most people, it represents a state of meditation. But for ancient tantric practitioners, this held a secret meaning: that this powerful God energy was in the penis, which was thought to contain the most masculine essence concentrated in one place. Think of it this way: Sacred sex is about approaching your partner’s body as a temple and their penis as the most holy place of all.